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Dr. Future News - Bitcoin goes Ballistic, 418 Celebrates 20 years, MAVEN heads for Mars

Dr. Future News 11.19.13

Boy, did Bitcoin capture our attention this show!  And speaking of shows, we had the lovely Laura Bishop show up to give us an update on the upcoming 418 Project Shindig, “Incandescence,” celebrating 20 years in Santa Cruz! Enjoy..

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  • Response
    Response: 藝術
    N:OW - Dr Future's Blog - Dr. Future News - Bitcoin goes Ballistic, 418 Celebrates 20 years, MAVEN heads for Mars
  • Response
    N:OW - Dr Future's Blog - Dr. Future News - Bitcoin goes Ballistic, 418 Celebrates 20 years, MAVEN heads for Mars
  • Response
    Response: easy money Online
    N:OW - Dr Future's Blog - Dr. Future News - Bitcoin goes Ballistic, 418 Celebrates 20 years, MAVEN heads for Mars

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