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Dr. Future News - Changes at KSCO, Scribd for unlimited reading, 3D Printer in Space, Dogs and Robots, Hawking and Brain Uploads, DIY Brainscanning, Water on Mars!  

Listen Now Dr. Future News 10.01.13

Despite the government shutdown, there is a lot of interesting news this week for us to peruse.  We had a rather spirited conversation this week on cosomologist Steven Hawkings musings loading one’s brain into a computer, a worthy candidate for such a procedure if there ever was one!

And then there is Mars, which apparently once had a lot of water (as in this pic), and now has been shown to have  2% water in it’s rocks, an abundance of the liquid, enough to not just create drink for biological life forms, but enough to create fuel for rockets, turbines, and other essential technologies for colonization.  

Geologist Richard Ely also suggested that there was enough water to create a carbon dioxide atmosphere for the planet, which could warm the place a bit, making it more palatable for ours and other mammalian species.  Sure, you can’t breathe CO2, but its good for plants and other life forms…



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  • Response
    Response: Hollister
    N:OW - Dr Future's Blog - Dr. Future News - Changes at KSCO, Scribd for unlimited reading, 3D Printer in Space, Dogs and Robots, Hawking and Brain Uploads, DIY Brainscanning, Water on Mars!  ,Bài viết này đã được viết chính xác Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn muốn xem các bài viết liên ...
  • Response
    Response: bradley kurgis
    N:OW - Dr Future's Blog - Dr. Future News - Changes at KSCO, Scribd for unlimited reading, 3D Printer in Space, Dogs and Robots, Hawking and Brain Uploads, DIY Brainscanning, Water on Mars!
  • Response
    Response: judge ray harding
    N:OW - Dr Future's Blog - Dr. Future News - Changes at KSCO, Scribd for unlimited reading, 3D Printer in Space, Dogs and Robots, Hawking and Brain Uploads, DIY Brainscanning, Water on Mars!
  • Response
    Response: Judge Ray Harding
    N:OW - Dr Future's Blog - Dr. Future News - Changes at KSCO, Scribd for unlimited reading, 3D Printer in Space, Dogs and Robots, Hawking and Brain Uploads, DIY Brainscanning, Water on Mars!
  • Response
    N:OW - Dr Future's Blog - Dr. Future News - Changes at KSCO, Scribd for unlimited reading, 3D Printer in Space, Dogs and Robots, Hawking and Brain Uploads, DIY Brainscanning, Water on Mars!
  • Response
    Response: Judge Ray Harding
    N:OW - Dr Future's Blog - Dr. Future News - Changes at KSCO, Scribd for unlimited reading, 3D Printer in Space, Dogs and Robots, Hawking and Brain Uploads, DIY Brainscanning, Water on Mars!

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