2013 Burning man Stories -Cargo Cult -Tales from the Playa
Friday, September 6, 2013

Twas perfect weather this year on the playa, and we’ve invited some dear friends into the studio to share with you some of the highlights of the eXperience.
We have Mrs. Future and Agent K, who is a long time Burner and playa veteran, Michael Porazzo, long time friend and virgin burner, and his wife Veronika, a two time burner. And there is our station manager of KSCO, Michael Olsen, who starts off the show with a little background on the origin of cargo cults and John Fromme.
Reader Comments (1)
Suffice to Say Agent K now has to deal with Xavier having a real lover named Francis, and she is no longer responsible for burning him in her 90 day gone cold #2 marriage to him, leaving him on the mosquito infested island of Koro...YEA GOD...when her heart finally heals from burning this man she will return to me again as she did April 17 by pulling me into her bed in Suva Fiji after I rescued her from " swimming out there and not coming back" from her dead marriage #2 to Xavier by going to Fiji in April 2013 with the unconditional love I vowed to her eternally in our March 2009 marriage before the loving God for eternity, 13 months before her second failed in just 90 days (no hugging or kissing after just 90 days) marriage to her #2 X husband gone cold that began with a 14 day vomitmoon...TRUE LOVE always wins in the end, AGENT K is discovering, and all else passes away! Burning man parties meanwhile while children stave is truly a burn on man kind....another lesson that love means caring for those around us, not partying till we drop!!!! Peace thru truth and serving the children of the world, not self indulgence!