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Inventing the Holodeck, fungally created biofuel, Apple black ops, the latest adventures of Agent Nada.. 

Listen Now Dr. Future 9.6.11


It’s September, the summer is almost over, but not before we share with you the magic of our Labor Day weekend.  At half an hour into the show we have a surprise visit from Agent Nada, who regales us with tales from Harbin Hot Springs and the venerable Women’s Herbal gathering..warning..not for the strictly nerdy…she delves into female coming of age ceremonies with her daughter  that are quite heart warming..\

And geeky we do get, with our analysis of the collaboration between the SFPD and Apple Security over the lost iPhone 5, creating biofuel from organic waste via a fungal enzymes, the significance of the Starz/Netflix divorce, and this week’s cautionary tale- space junk!!


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Reader Comments (2)

Hi Matt,

> I'm enjoying the show today about tablets.

Great, glad you enjoyed it!

>However, I'd like to point out some inaccuracies on your show. Someone mentioned that the new Amazon tablet will be running the Android OS and called it "free and open source." I just wanted to point out that Free Software and Open Source are two different software movements. Open Source is not necessarily free (as in free speech); Android is not free in that respect. I just don't want people to get confused thinking that Open Source = Free Software.

>Yes, a common mistake, thanks for the clarification and distinction. Would you be interested in saying something more about this on the air? Would love to have you call in and explore this a bit more deeply on the air..I've often seen "free and open source" used in the same sentence, as if they were synonomous, and if they really should be considered separately, we should know more..

>Someone on the show called Linux an operating system. It's not an OS it's a Kernel used in the GNU Operating System. It should correctly be referred to as GNU with the Linux kernel or GNU/Linux.

Well, according to Wikipedia:

"Linux (commonly /ˈlɪnəks/ lin-əks,[4][5] also pronounced /ˈlɪnʊks/ lin-uuks[6][7][8]) is a computer operating system which is based on free and open source software. Although many different varieties of Linux exist, all are Unix-like and based on theLinux kernel, an operating system kernel created in 1992 by Linus Torvalds.[9]"

Could Wikipedia be wrong? If so, you might query them. And there's that "free and open source software" phrase again..

>Enjoy the show

Thanks a lot and I appreciate your comments and feedback.. Would love to chat with you on the air!


Dr. Future (aka Al Lundell)

Thu, September 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Future's Feedback
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