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Humor and Magick with Lon Milo Duquette, hermeticist and Deputy Grand Master of Ordo Templi Orientis

Listen Now Dr. Future Show 7.12.11

When you think of Magick (with a ‘k’), what images come up for you?  Voluptuous scantily clad women on stone altars, summoned demons, and arcane incantations whispered by hooded initiates celebrating a dark mass with symbols scribed in blood?

In this show, we take you beyond Hollywood and comic book graphic novel interpretations of ceremonial magick to the realms of enlightenment, and what can truly be learned and gained from the craft in this day and age.

Lon Milo Duquette was brought up in Nebraska and hippie California during the 1960’s and 70’s, and with a healthy dose of counter cultural exposure, practices various forms of ceremonial magick to this day.  DuQuette has written several successful books on Western mystical traditions including; FreemasonryTarotQabalahceremonial magic, the Enochian magic of Dr. John Dee,  Aleister Crowley, and spirit evocation, Goetia.  

Not content to be a scholar, he has engaged in actual practices of Magick and will give us the real deal on what’s valuable about magick in this age of science, or at least, what is working for him.  He is a good speaker, engaging,  quite funny, and not a bad folk singer!  

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