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Get your Trek on with some serious Star Trekkers 

You may have met some Trekkies on your journey through life, but have you ever met a Trekker?  This breed are serious Star Trek folks, not to be confused with mere Trekkie fans.  In the studio we have Brian Toler, who has played the double for Captain Benjamin Sisko of “Deep Space Nine,” and for eleven years played in Las Vegas in the Hilton’s big hit, “The Star Trek Experience.” 
And on Skype live from London we have Gilles Aston, a dead ringer for Patrick Stewart, who plays Captain Picard in Star Trek Next Generation, and many of the Star Trek movies.  Giles has played Captain Picard in numerous productions and conventions for years, and is deeply steeped in the Star Trek mythos.  
These guys are not just Star Trek actor stand-ins, but real Trekkers, deeply into the Star Trek vision of the future and have some profound thoughts on how the ‘real’ future could unfold, given their vast experience in the Trek Universe.  I think you’ll enjoy their pov’s…. thanks, Dr. Future..

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