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Get Ready for the Fems in Film Download

Show Archive, July 20, 2010

Hi folks! On Tuesday, July 20, 2010 we have a special show on the new archetypes of the feminine, both in real life and on our screens.  Our revelationary Agents Nada and Lakshmi have just returned from a full week of studying the feminine in Film at Esalen Institute, and will share with us what they have learned…  The Future of Female.. Tuesday at 2 on The Dr. Future Show, 1080 AM KSCO in Santa Cruz.

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Reader Comments (1)

Agents you represent the feminine as the best harmonious qualities of humans. I believe this is a very unbalanced representation because it is very polarized and generalized. This kind of representation only helps to increase the gap between women and men. Neither the feminine or the masculine has any greater relative moral virtue. Yet I have the sense that you don't get this. Consider this, all humans are both in composition. You seem to make the same blunders that you ascribe to older sexist males. Perhaps a start would be to recognize that terms like, the feminine and the masculine are unfortunately going to lead to stereotypes and therefore problematic. I suggest that you try creating a better context for your discussion to allow a balanced dialogue.

Fri, July 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJoseph
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