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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (954)


68 Future Now Show - Space News, Interview on Longevity with Stephen Sideroff, PhD., and Robert Lufkin, MD, discussion on their just published books, "The 9 Pillars of Resilience," and "Lies I Taught in Medical School"

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Long time friends and colleagues Drs. Sideroff and Lufkin recently organized an online summit on the topic of human longevity, featuring many of the leading researchers and thinkers in this cutting edge field. And this week they both published a new book on their latest professional work. In today’s show we interview them both, individually and together.

Stephen Sideroff, PhD., is an internationally recognized expert in resilience, optimal performance, addiction, neurofeedback and alternative approaches to stress and mental health. He is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences, with a joint appointment in the Department of Rheumatology at UCLA’s School of Medicine, as well as the Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Ethics. His new book is “The 9 Pillars of Resilience- the proven path to master stress, slow aging and increase vitality.  

Robert Lufkin, MD., is a physician/medical school professor (UCLA and USC) focusing on the applied science of health, longevity, and consciousness. After reversing chronic disease and transforming his life he is making it his mission to help others do the same. His new book is “Lies I Taught in Medical School: How Conventional Medicine is Making you Sicker and What You Can Do to Save Your Own Life.”

We had a great conversation with these pioneers of healthy Mind/Body dynamics, both individually and together. Enjoy!



67 Future Now Podcast - Ergothioneine, the 'longevity vitamin,' Adaptogenic Superblend MycoSpectrum, Tauonium-Beyond Hydrogen, The upcoming Starship Flight #4, Dreamchaser to take Flight, Dandelion Rubber, Personality and Dementia

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Though we covered a fair number of topics in today’s podcast, we kept coming back to discussing the health benefits of fungi, from how they assist the ATP Kreb cycle in generating bodily  energy to memory enhancement and longevity.  We also had the priviledge of once again speaking with Gabrielle Cianfrani, who has created an adaptogenic blend of 14 fungi for optimal health. And there’s something about Ergothioneine and improved cognition and energy.. Go figure.. Meanwhile, Starship Test #4 will be flying shortly as will the Dreamchaser space plane!


66 Future Now Podcast - Whiskey Hill Farm, Trimtab Times, M4 Solex Power, AI Music Demo and Experiment

‘Twas a busy weekend for us, with back-to-back dinner parties, and a visit to Whiskey Hill Farms for a tour by David Blum, author of the best seller, “Alcohol Can Be a Gas.”  Besides his innovative alcohol distillary, his experimental farm is growing a number of unusual crops that could support small farmers, such as Wasabi, a plant with a high return for it’s rhizomes.  On the tour was none other than lawyer Daniel Sheehan, who was meeting David for the first time, thanks to a wonderful connector person, Jahn Ballard, from Sebastopol.
In this show, we open with an update on the latest from Apple Computer (think M4), thanks to our Apple analyst,  Taylor Barcroft.  From there we delve into a new portable solar generator system by Solex, being installed for Taylor by “Free Energy Bob,” and a report from Gabrielle Cianfrani on “trimtab,” a valuable concept she learned from David Blum (and he from Bucky Fuller).   In Future News we look at Scarlett Johansen’s dispute with OpenAI on the use of her voice for their latest AI’s, we demo and create a tune with the AI music generator, Suno, and delve into the realm of agreements with Master Now, visiting from well, the bigger N:OW .. Enjoy!
David Blume demonstrates fuel creation to Danny Sheehan

65 Future Now Podcast - Auroras and Special Report- Gabrielle challenges and ChatGPT 4o in understanding the true nature of Reality itself. Guess who is more aware?

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This show takes the cake when it comes to more unusual content for us.  It started with our correspondent Gabrielle Cianfrani asking a ‘simple’ question before bed, “I’ve been thinking lately that we are just pure consciousness experiencing itself, what do you think about that?” And did a decent job in answering, “What a profound and intriguing perspective! The idea that we are pure consciousness experiencing itself is a philosophical and metaphysical concept that has been explored in various spiritual and philosophical traditions. This notion suggests that our essence is not solely bound to our physical bodies or minds, but rather we are an expression of a universal, all-encompassing consciousness.”

Gabrielle naturally, took the AI to task, nudging it to go even deeper, by responding, “I think that any time I am not present, truly present, that I am not pure consciousness experiencing itself. I believe that it is consciousness playing a game, a theater, an act. I think that past and future create suffering because they take us away from The only thing that we really know is real which is this moment right now.” How did Meta respond to that? Tune in!  Enjoy..

Gabrielle and the AIs kick around Reality itself.



64 Future Now Podcast - M4 iPad Apple Update, Sperm Whale Alphabet, Generating New Teeth, H Engines Challenge Electric

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Our very own Taylor Barcroft gives us the update on the latest from Apple, with particular focus on the new M4 processor based iPads. These are Apple’s last offerings before their big World Wide Developer’s Conference next month, and loo quite tasty, if you find the pad format to be your fav form factor.  If you want to full blown M4-based notebook, look no sooner than the fall..  

If you ever wanted to regenerate some new relacement teeth, the time is rapdidly approaching  for you to be able to do just that.  A new approach, coming from Japan, and Bobby Wilder is on it! And while we are at it, there is new news on whale communications, and a new 18-wheeler capable engine running on Hydrogen power! Enjoy..

Machine learning aids in discovery of whale ‘alphabet’

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