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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (954)


The Best of the Futures - Interview Excerpts 1.0

Listen Now to The Best of the Futures - Interview Excerpts 1.0

For this podcast we are excited to share with you some of our favorite people we have met over the 15 years of our show, audio clips from our Media Time Machine - Serendipitous choices for this podcast include Pharmacist Ben Fuchs, Psychic story maven Penny Kelly, Physicist Nick Herbert, Visionary Humorist Carolyn Casey, Talk Show stimulator Colonel Terry Maxwell, Amanita shamaness Avi Esther, Cosmic Story Editor Nancy Griffith, Life Origins Scientist Bruce Damer, Doc Tom Yarema, Accidental psychic Richard Marriot

 Instead of replaying full live shows, we are taking clips of our various guests and combining them with outtakes of others to create a dynamic interplay of thoughts and ideas that are quite engaging and relevant to what’s happening now.  Enjoy and you’ll hear from us in the future! 


75 Future Now - Interview with Dr. Jonathan Trent - on Extremophile Lifeforms, his deep NASA research, and the magic of Bioreactors and Fuel Cells in solving Earth Issues

Listen Now to Dr. Jonathan Trent


Interestingly Dr. Trent had his start in oceanography and the study of small water-based lifeforms at UCSC back in the 1970’s as an undergraduate. Later at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and a post doc in Germany at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry he became one of the world’s experts in how biology was able to adapt to the most extreme conditions on Earth imaginable. He was brought back home to NASA Ames, where he, as an astrobiologist delved deeply into how such life might exist elsewhere in the solar system. NASA did an extensive interview of his career, posted here.

Dr. Jonathan Trent

Now, semi-retired in the Santa Cruz area, he brings home his knowledge of extreme forms of life in creating solutions to some of our biggest issues of today, namely the escalating food, water, and energy crisis. His latest project is called “UpCycle Systems,” and its goal is to create a cohesive green life support system for our growing need of Data Centers, places that are needed for  cloud computing, AI, Crypto, memory storage, etc. 

In Dr. Trent’s vision, data centers will not simply use massive amounts of water and power, they will generate such resources by turning our organic waste  into clean power and water, with excess energy to share. This works through the combination of several innovative technologies, including bioreactors and fuel cells. I think you’ll enjoy hearing Dr. Trent’s story, we sure did! Enjoy..

UpCycle Data Centers that will contribute clean water and energy to the community instead of taking it.


75 Future Now News - Cheap Fakes & Politics, Bobby & Kamila, Beyond Opioids, MRI study of Psilocybin

Listen to Future News #75

Now that US national politics is heating up, so are the cheap fakes being made of the candidates, making them heroic, silly, smart, stupid, you name it.  Just for cheap fakes and poltitics and off you go.  We discuss this a bit and look at what can be done.  And since are politics up, Bobby reveals to us his encounters with Kamila Harris, when she was Attorney General in Californa. 

Kamila Harris and Bobby Wilder

Opiods have been a serious issue for some time and there is some relief in the form of alternative pain drugs soon to hit the market.  And in a study of psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, researchers have disovered more detail and how they may work, with the help of MRI imaging of the subject’s brains as they are tripping.  Enjoy! 

An MRI study finds that psilocybin can enhance neuroplasticity


74 Future Now Podcast - Space X Grounded, 2K mile batteries, Fast Cheap Home Solar Tech Report, Miss AI Crowned, Personal Dark Webb Report, Internet Scam Download with Luigi Obido 

Listen to 74 Future Now Podcast


This is the weeked following former president Trump’s assasination attempt, so we start with a few comments on that scene.  It was also sad that Space X lost a full payload of Starlink satellites..On a lighter front, we look at how in the ever loving world we could have an AI beauty contest and who won.  Bobby and Taylor check in with a report on their brand X (Solix F3800) Tesla type Powerwall project (for a third the price), Bobby shares his excitement about a new 2K mile car battery.  The second hour was dedicated to what our local computer repair genius, Luigi Oppido, has discovered about Internet Scams and what you can do about them if you have been engaged by them. Much to look out for, such as gift card scams, the fine art of social engineering, and the crazy scam world of ‘pig butchering.’  Watch out, and..enjoy the show!

The Futures with our guest Luigi Oppido on Internet Scams



73 Future Now Podcast (full) - Freedom after year in Mars Habitat Sim, Geek becoming Saint, Sovereign in Court, Katrina Q Story

Listen Now to 73 Future Now Podcast


This is our first broadcast from the new Santa Cruz Voice studio in downtown Santa Cruz! We discuss the martian habitat sim and its recently released inhabitants at NASA, the saintly geek, and a discussion of a current court case involving our friend Monica McGuire and her Soverign defense in case of traffic violations and resisting arrest. Nordic Dave calls in to share his thoughts.  And then for the second hour there is Katrina and her experiences with QAnon, which you can hear as a separate file, or here!  Enjoy..

Leaving the martian sim

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