Future News - Robert Burns Haggis Party, More Starlinks, Dark Matter and Invisibility, Doomsday Clock, Massive 3D Printed Building, Butterflies spawn advanced flying machines, New Stem Cell Treatment for Pain

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Nothing like a Haggis party, as you will hear..and in Space News, the ISS astronauts were successful in getting the $2 billion Dark Matter Detector working, and lets hope it really works, because by it’s very nature, dark matter is not detectable! Meanwhile, the Doomsday Clock is closer to Midnight than ever from 2 minutues to 90 seconds..not only are we dealing with dangers of nuclear annilation, but also climate change, and the confusion of fake news, making it hard to know what is actually happening. A fine brew we find ourselves in..but then again we have more renaissance news, like massive 3D printed buildings, internet from the sky, a new stem cell solution to dealing with bodily pain, and advanced flying machines from the humble butterfly wings. Enjoy!

Future News - Cymatics Report, Mojo Eye Invisible Computer, NOW Casting media, Crew Dragon ready for humans, G Objects Skirt Black Hole
Listen Now to Future News 1.21.2020
What a great workshop this last weekend with Randy Masters and cymatics wizard, Erik Larson! We spent two days learning tones, frequencies, vibrations and associated resonant patterns created by sounds in sand, powder, and water. And news this week puts Space X in a position to lift American Astronauts to the International Space Station within the next few months and global internet via the Starlink constellation by the end of the year! And then there is the rise of ‘invisible computing’, with the introduction of the Mojo smart contact lens computer. Exciting times, enjoy!