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Entries from October 1, 2014 - October 31, 2014


Future News - Your relationship to the Entire Universe, Amazing Solar Harvester, Exploring the Antikythera Shipwreck, Immersing in Interstellar, Alex Jones/John McAfee Reveal Secrets of the Fake Cell Towers, Poly vs Mono in Desert vs Rainforest People, New Study on Martian Life

Listen Now to Future News 10.07.14

We have more info you on the mysterious cell towers that don’t offically belong to any of the cell phone company carriers, thanks to eccentric high tech millionaire John McAfee, in conversation with Infowars host, Alex Jones. It’s quite revealing and a bit scarey.  But fear not, as we bring you other news that  will make it all ok, well mostly…

And we are taking guesses, who will discover alien life first, Mono or polytheists?  If you are curious about this rather strange trajectory of inquiry, you’ll love our discussion of desert vs rainforest religion based on an anthropological investigation of such matters, followed by a story on what has been found inside a Martian meteorite found in the antarctic.


Interview - Accessing the 'Cosmic Google'...We speak with Kaia Ra about her Transmissions of the Divine

Listen Now to Kaia Ra

Last month we attended what was known as Bliss Camp 2014, a camping festival gathering amongst the beautiful redwoods of Camp Navarro.  To kick off the weekend’s festivities, Kaia Ra performed an opening ceremony performance, honoring the earth, the elements, and each other in a sacred yet fun and engaging way. You can watch her Bliss Camp performance here.  

We were so impressed and taken by her performance that Mrs. Future and I thought she would make a good guest on the show, where we would explore the future of spirituality, wlhich she so well embodied. In this show we ask Kaia Ra how she connects with the divine mother matrix of all life, what it means to be a sovereign being, whether there is a kind of Cosmic Google, and how we might access it.  She also fields questions from the audience, including her understanding of evil and what her Sophia teachings have to offer us all.  I think you’ll enjoy our interview with this inspired being..


Future News - Missing Japan's Warning Volcano Signs, Windows 10, Real Animated Harry Potter Type Book - 'Alice', Personal Suit that protects you in a clean air bubble, 

Listen Now to Future News 9.30.14

Catching a technologically advanced country like Japan by surprise with the sudden eruption of  Mt. Ontake was, well, surprising.  We take a look at their early warning systems and think of how they could be better. Also of interest this week is a best seller in the interactive book world- a retelling of the classic story, Alice in Wonderland, with animated illustrations and audio special effects reminescent of the 3D magazines and pictures depicted in the Harry Potter movies.  Check out the “Alice” app in the App and Play stores..

I really like the B.B. suit that cleans the air around us, at least the concept that a technologically advanced set of clothing can not just  look good and protect you from things like polluted air, but can also improve the environment in which you find yourself; in this case cleansing the atmosphere around you, creating a bubble of healthy air to breathe.  Pretty cool, if only still v0.2!

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