Interview - Pooran Desai on Sustainable Healthy Eco Village Living Abroad and in America
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Digeratti Allan Lundell in One planet Living principles, eco village, interview, sustainable living

Listen Now to Pooran Desai

Most of us have heard how Americans consume way more than their fair share of planetary resources, with some estimates showing that it would take five earth planets to sustain the typical US lifestyle for all 7 billion members of our species.  But fret not for Pooran Desai has a solution to this resource dilemma that will insure a good lifestyle without sacrificing our quality of life. 

After studying at Oxford and Cambridge Universities, and as Co-Founder of Bioregional and International Director of One Planet Communities, he has pioneered the One Planet Living principles, which are now being applied in eco-villages and communities around the planet. 

He is now in California with plans to create 10 eco-villages in our bioregion!  If living well and sustainably is of interest to you, I think you’ll enjoy our interview with Pooran.



Article originally appeared on N:OW (
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