Interview & Future News - Dr. Bruce Damer on Discovering Life with 'Percy,' our new Mars Rover, and Future News on bioprinting steaks and solar windows
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Digeratti Allan Lundell in Bruce Damer, Future News, Life on Mars, News, Perseverance rover, bioprinting food, interview, solar transparent windows

Listen Now to Dr. Bruce Damer and Future News

Yay, our SUV-sized rover made it to the surface of Mars, and can now begin the most sophisticated study of another planet every attempted by our species.  And some of the rover Perseverence’s investigations will involve looking for signs of life. Dr. Bruce Damer, a regular contributor to the show shares with us his excitement and the possibilities of what Percy might find at Jezero crater, her landing spot. 

We also look at the latest in bioprinting of food, a Ribeye steak, without killing an animal, personalized nutrition based on your biology, new myths for our times, and solar transparent windows, a new approach to decentralized power.  Enjoy!

Dr. Bruce Damer


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