Future News - WHO cancels Wuhan Virus Institute Origin Theories, Variants and Vaccine mix and matching, moon golf story, moon trees found, bees and cannabis, DMT and Stroke Research, Sea Chanty Play, online gaming fun, Nature and mental health
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Digeratti Allan Lundell in DMT and Stroke Research, Future News, Nature mental health, Virus origin, bees and cannabis, moon gulf, vaccine mix and match

Listen Now to Future News 2.09.2021

Quite a topical show this week, with lots of callers in the first hour as we discussed the latest in Covid land, including an understanding of the variants and WHO’s latest plan to ignore certain origin stories..

Alan Shepard play golf on the moon 50 years agoThis is also the anniversary of the first moon golf shot, 50 years ago on Apollo 14, as well as the beginning of the first moon trees, now scattered throughout planet earth.  And new light has been shed on bees and cannabis flowers, a seeming interspecies ‘romance.’  We also check out the TikTok phenomenon of collaborative sea chanty videos, family online gaming, the mental health gained from nature immersion, and our acutely positive explorations of what’s next in the eternal now.  Enjoy!



Article originally appeared on N:OW (https://www.drfutureshow.com/).
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