Listen Now to Future News Thanksgiving Show 11.22.2022
Happy Thanksgiving dear listeners, we hope you and yours are enjoying the holiday. Still on our Keto regime, we will not be stuffing our faces as much as usual, but still…it should be good! We have in studio guests today Bruce McHenry and Gisselle Bisson, helping us dissect the latest in the Twitterverse, and online we speak with Connie Baxter Marlow and Andrew Cameron Bailey about the first Thanksgiving, a celebrated event that has been greatly misunderstood in these days of Woke culture.Connie and Andrew speak of how the original Pilgrims lived in peace and friendship with the Natives for over 50 years! An amazing story, discussed in their book, The Mayflower Revelations, they show how there was a synthesis with the Native Americans that gave birth to the American mind, spirit and democracy!. Enjoy!
Dr.Mrs. Future with in studio guests Gisselle Bisson and Bruce McHenry