Future News - SpaceX Gets Next Green Light, Mercury is Mostly Liquid, The $9 Computer, and our Big Report on the Amazing Maker Faire, with correspondents Gregory Panos and Richard Cray.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Digeratti Allan Lundell in Maker Faire 2015, News, Space X, mercury
Listen Now to Future News 5.19.2014 
Yes, the great Maker Faire happened this last weekend, and we were there in force to bring you what we thought was hot and worthy of your attention.  Robots, rockets, drones, 3D printers, art cars, magical characters, amusement rides, steam punk, fire, sound, and light play of all kinds!
Some of our crew at the Maker Faire. photo: Richard Cray

If any event truly signified the beginning of a new true renaissance of science and art, this is it!  Literally tens of Dan Kottke stares into infinity. photo: Richard Craythousands of families converged at the San Mateo County fairgrounds to share their favorite creative projects with each other and the world.  
Our team coverage includes Greg Panos, our pundit on all things virtual, and Richard Cray, exploring the more artistic andRichard Cray plays a flame organ emotionally impactful elements of the show are with us in the studio, along with Dr. and Mrs. Future.
Come, get inspired with us!
Article originally appeared on N:OW (https://www.drfutureshow.com/).
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