A massive dust storm bigger than the state of Texas is heading our way from Africa! What does this mean, what should we do?
If the finding SarsCov2 in Barcelona sewage samples from March 2019 hold, then we have a deeper mystery on our hands. Current understanding is that the virus first appeared as early as October 2019, and indirect evidence (crowded hospital parking lots in Wuhan), date as far back as August 2019. Hmmm…
Michael Olsen, KSCO program director, floats the idea of Covid-19 being intentionally spread by the Chinese in the US, in retaliation for Trump’s tariffs. On the medical front our science correspondent Bobby Wilder updates us on the latest anti-viral treatments, Remdesivir and Fabiflu. And what’s happening with antibody tests? These and related issues, with many callers, complete today’s show.!
A massive dust cloud approaches the US from the Sahara in Africa