Future News - Evidence of Venusian Life? SciAm Endorses Biden, Analysis of Apple's iPad/Watch/iOS offerings
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Digeratti Allan Lundell in 6, Apple iPad Air, Future News, News, SciAm Biden, Watch, taylor barcroft, venus life

Listen Now to Future News 9.15.2020

Fascinating news this week about Venus, and the discovery of a gas usually only made by living organisms, phosphine, was found in the upper atmosphere of the planet. If this checks out, it could mean that Venus may harbor microorganisms in it’s atmosphere! NASA is working on a mission to scoup up some of the Venusian atmosphere and bring it home for testing..

Meanwhile, back here on Earth, we have Scientific American actually endorsing a presidential candidate for the first time in it’s 175-year history. And some new offerings from Apple Computer, including shiny new watches and iPads and an update in their operating systems. Apple tracker Taylor Barcroft is in the studio to explain it all. Enjoy..

Microbes may live in the clouds above the volcanoes of Venus

Article originally appeared on N:OW (https://www.drfutureshow.com/).
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