Future News - Bezo Bros in Space, Ganymede flyby, Moonbase plans, Apple's WWDC underway with update by Taylor Barcroft and Mark Buchanon
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Digeratti Allan Lundell in Bezos in space, Ganymeade flyby, News, WWDC2021, moonbase plans

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Looks like the time is rapidly approaching for some real space tourism, starting with the Bezos Brothers going for the first tourism flight of this new era, July 20, 52 years to the day of Apollo 11 landing on the moon. July 20, a day that will soon live on in space history.

And big news this week for Apple afficiados is the annual World Wide Developer’s Conference, now completely virtual. So naturally, we have our Apple analyst, Taylor Barcroft in the studio to give us an update on all things Apple! My fav new feature on iOS devices is true spatialized audio. We also have iOS cosmic coder Mark Buchanon, checking in with what he thinks is hot. Enjoy!


Article originally appeared on N:OW (https://www.drfutureshow.com/).
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