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Superpowers, Paganism, and the Origins of Holiday Traditions

Dr.Future Dec. 21st, 2010.  In this show we explore the original meaning behind traditions like the Christmas tree, the use of holly and mistletoe with Susan Diamond, psychic and proprietress of The Serpent’s Kiss, Santa Cruz’s own magick shoppe and botanica supply center.  In Dr.Future News, we introduce you to the new Google Body, “Citizen Scientist” projects from discovering exo-solar planets to collecting images of cellular processes. AT&T’s plans for new frequency domination and their planned 4G network are discussed as are Dr. and Mrs. Future’s picks for holiday presents.


The Future of Media, from a Hyperlocal POV

Dr. Future Dec. 14th, 2010  Today’s show features two guests, who do their best to  illuminate us about the future of media, particularly in our local area of Monterey Bay.  Marty Collins founded the Digital Media Factory, a consortium of indy media artists, in the old Wrigley Spearmint Gum Factory, a massive complex on the far West Side.  

Says Dr. Future, “Walking through the factory reminded me of Hollywood of yesteryear, with a hodge-podge of strange artifacts from other times and places greeting your eye as you wander the sets.”
Our other guest is none other than Santa Cruz’s own Patrick Riley, a known patron and benefactor of the arts, and an intellectual property lawyer to boot.  Founder of the IP Society, he shares with us his perspectives on media and our locally  fecund media scene, and relates what’s unfolding to great ideas from the past, such as memes that harken back to events like “the Scottish Renaissance.”

In the first hour, Agents Nada and Sun and Dr. Future give you the Future News, including a new HIV cure with stem cells, successful telormerase mediated reverse-aging research, the new Wikileak competitor, Julian Assange’s cupid love site, Kickstarter info, the Not Jot iPhone app, and a preview of Tron Legacy, including Dr. Future’s story of being on the original Tron movie set.


Poetic Futures and Lingerie Landscapes

JJ Webb will by our first guest for the second hour.  Besides his tech cred with the Viking I Mars lander,  the Hubble Space Telescope, and anti-virus creator,  he is a pioneer in online poetry, and will be debuting his latest multimedia poetry project with us!  To create the animated poetry, “Lingerie Ladies,” he collaborated with another Santa Cruz artist, Abbie Rabinowitz, known for her expressive pleinair landscapes, watercolors, oils and sensual figurative art.

News topics of the first hour include a report on online reading habits, natural biologic immortality, the spark of creative problem-solving, laser levitation, exascale computing,  futuristic philanthropy, and Tron Legacy..


Future of Radio Experiment #1...Today we take a WILD WEB RIDE with CynoCast!

For the web pioneers in radio, like us, there is a new invention to make surfing the web a crowd sport. Tune in today while we test drive some very innovative group mind software… CynoCast!    This show’s topics include, wikileaks disclosures, TSA scanner stories, organs made from scratch, ultrasound on your smartphone, cybertherapy, DIY hackerspaces, and a camera in your head!


TSA Backlash, Space and Avatars, and Cyberclothing Design

Much news in this podcast, the Apple iOS 4.2 update, new TSA tech, how to protect your data at border crossings, new hacks of the Kinect controller,virtual reality assist for stroke patients,  a prosthetic retina, and storytelling 2.0.

Our guest today, one or our ‘regular irregulars,’  is modern renaissance man Bruce Damer, with whom we’ll be exploring his research in artificial life, Avatars, NASA mission simulations, airport scanners, and designing cyber clothing.