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Crowdsourced Geiger counters, computer on a stick, Skype buy, Glassless 3D, and Sacred Geometry with Jonathan Quintin

Dr. Future Show 5.10.11 Listen Now

Computer on a stick, crowdsourced geiger counters to measure Japan radiation, the big Skype buy, glassless 3D, Dr. Farb commentary and  special guest Jonathan Quintin, the Sacred Geometrist performing mathemagical wonders in Santa Cruz Thursday, May 12 at the Pacific Cultural Center, 7 p.m.  

We also chat with the producer of Night of the Alien, a featured film during this week’s Santa Cruz Film Festival!


Santa Cruz Film Festival begins! And with Osama, Obama, Royal Wedding Photos, Beltane... this was one theatrical week on planet Earth!

Our guest today was Elizabeth Gunnary, this year’s president of the board for the 2011 Santa Cruz Film Festival,  May 5-14 . 167 Films, many made locally in the Monterey Bay area. This interview is possibly the best way to get a glimpse of the many talents and flavors represented in this year’s festival. Santa Cruz has a reputation as THE BEST film festival for the FILMMAKERS. We will be taking it in, and recommend that you do too. Check the GoodTimes for the insert, with the full write up for all the films, special programs, parties, and more. LISTEN to the Show, and be in the Know.


SETI Falls, NSA Rises to the Alien Question, Captain Crunch shares classic stories, new interests

Dr. Future Show The Alien Question and John Draper

We had a lot of stories for you this show, check our links section.  But, the KSCO audience was really interested in the alien question in this show, so we focused on that, particularly the latest defunding of SETI (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) for the Allen Array and the recent NSA (National Security Agency) decoding of a purported alien transmission of the Periodic Table of Elements!

The second hour features the granddaddy of hackerdom, John Draper, aka Captain Crunch, who shares with us some classic stories from his past with phones, pirate radio, and computers. He has lately been very interested in alternative energy, with stories of new revolutionary battery tech and such…


Sony streaming Movies, 3D iPhone Scanner, amazing mobile Photosynth, Silicon Valley inventor Chuck Colby

Dr. Future Show 4.19.11  inventor Chuck Colby

Yes, indeed, the mobile computing platform is getting richer by the day. This week we check out the new iOS 3D scanner, and the remarkable Photosynth app, for your iOS devices.. Also the latest on the nuke robots, hackers in Libya, and access to the new Brain Navigator..

Our guest this week is Chuck Colby, an inventor with many firsts in the computer world who is now releasing a host of new iPad/iPhone products that are really quite useful, including an automobile black box recorder, and a low-cost teleprompter.  


It's all about Computer GAMES! Prof with us today, syposium on Friday

Dr. Future Show 4.12.11 Noah Wardrip-Fruin on Games

Japan radiation stories, secret weapons, constructing with printers, explosions in space, and our guest today will give you a taste of the many shades of rose colored gaming  futures. Assoc. Prof of Computer Science Noah Wardrip-Fruin will tell us about his “Expressive Intelligene Studio” at UCSC, and we’ll hear about “Inventing the Future of Games Symposium this friday in Silicon Valley.