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Dr. Bruce Damer on a visionary Blueprint for a Radical Remake of America 

Listen Now to Bruce Damer on The Dr. Future Show

 Have you ever wondered how a democratic society might work, if it were designed incorporating today’s communications technologies and other innovations?  

If so, then check out:

Bruce Damer is a Canadian who emigrated to the US in 1985. When Bruce was sworn in as a US citizen in 2000 the federal judge presiding over the ceremony explained  thatthere is no democracy at the national level but you still have a chance for some representation at the local level so please fill out your voter registration card. Bruce has spent much of the last decade pondering this statement, wondering if America has ever actually been a democracy in the sense that Canada, Denmark and other countries are (no, as it has always disenfranchised large segments of its population). He then went on to investigate how America might one day become a functioning democracy, civil society and good member of the global community of nations.


This blueprint for the Radical Remaking of America resulted from this thinking and his interaction with a wide range of American society from Pentagon generals to NASA astronauts, Silicon Valley billionaires, activists and burners, Big Bankers, Christian home schoolers, off the gridders, cultural creatives, and just plain and wonderful ordinary folks. He has worked around the world, in the early 1990s helping develop one of the first software labs in Eastern Europe right after the fall of Communism, later speaking in South Africa during the transition from white rule, doing pioneering work in Internet virtual worlds and simulation for NASA, and is currently working with progressive projects in high tech to better lives around the world from the US to the Middle East, Pakistan and China and elsewhere.


If you are curious about Bruce and the team around the RadicalRemake Blueprint effort find Bruce and our page “Radical Remake” on Facebook or reach Bruce directly on the web at:

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    Neat page, Carry on the excellent work. Thanks a ton!
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Reader Comments (3)

Aircraft, a parrot on the flight attendants, said: "Lord to give glass of water",

pigs learn parrot, the flight attendant said: "The cup of water to the Lord to"

flight attendants furious, the parrots and pigs have dropped the plane. Then the

parrot on the pig said: "Silly B, right, Lord fly."

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