We had a fun first hour of Dr. Future News, including an update on how we might actually build a warp drive for star travel, and the latest thinking of what would have happened on Earth should Chicxulub, the giant asteroid that extincted the dinosaurs, had never happened. Would we have evolved to dominate the planet as we have?
Author/Investigator Brit EldersAnd this week we have an extended interview with Brit Elders, author, investigative documentarian, and CEO of www.ShirleyMacLaine.com. She has recently completed “Contact from the Pleiades, 45th Anniversary Edition,” in which the original two photo-journal volumes from 1979 are combined into one book with a new forward by Shirley MacLaine, a prologue written by journalist Jamie Maussan, and a new introduction and preface by Brit Elders. We cover the whole story arc of how she first got involved with the case with her husband Lee Elders and Col Wendell Stevens, to the evolution and popularization and proliferation of Pleidian contact experiences over the last half century. A very delightful, and heart-centered conversation, Brit takes us on a journey that opens us all to a better future. Enjoy!